Gold 4D Reassurance (26 - 30 weeks).



Total appointment length:

20 minutes.

Common reasons for the scan?

To check fetal well-being.

What is included in the scan?

- Measurements of baby's head, abdomen, and femur (thigh bone).

- Estimation of baby’s weight.

*For return clients - there must have been at least 14 days since the last pregnancy reassurance scan at Dragon Ultrasound, for the growth measurements and estimated fetal weight to be checked again.

- Check of amniotic fluid levels.

- Check of Doppler/blood flow through umbilical artery.

- Identification of baby’s position (fetal presentation).

- Location of placenta.

- Watch the scan on a 55” widescreen monitor.

- Baby's gender (if requested). Please note: Ultrasound cannot be 100% accurate in the identification of a baby's gender.

- 4D look at baby's face.

- Copy of report.

- Five glossy black and white photos of baby.

- You will be emailed a link that will allow you to download your images (2D and 3D) and video clips from your scan (the 2D and/or 4D clips will each last between 2 - 10 seconds) - please note that the number of images and number/length of your video clips may vary depending on baby’s position during your scan.


- Sometimes having a fast walk and/or drinking a sugary drink/snack shortly before the scan can help make baby more active, improving the likelihood of getting good pictures.

Can I buy a “pulse-beat” bear?

Yes. Ask the receptionist for more details about this, before entering the scan room.


You will be given a printed copy of the ultrasound scan report.

Extra photos/Images from the scan:

More images/photos from the scan can also be purchased at the reception desk.

Can I take photos in the examination room?

No. During the scan, the Sonographer can print glossy black and white photos for you, and more copies can be purchased at the reception desk if wanted - a link allowing you to download the digital images will also be emailed to you. However, due to guidelines stated by the Society of Radiographers (Recording of Images and Clinical Discussions, SOR, 2019), photographs cannot be taken during the examination room at Dragon Ultrasound.

Is ultrasound 100% accurate in identifying the gender during an ultrasound scan?

No, however if baby is in a good position ultrasound has been shown to have an accuracy of close to 99%.

Can all abnormalities be picked up on an ultrasound scan?

No, but significant problems can sometimes be identified, and ultrasound is particularly useful for checking baby’s size, the appearance of the kidneys, and whether the amniotic fluids levels are low, normal, or high.

What happens if my baby’s face can’t be seen at all on a 4D scan?

Every effort will be made to try and get him/her to move. Mum may be asked to jump, shake, or even go for a short walk. In the event that baby is still completely hiding its face, you will be offered a complimentary rescan.

What can affect the level of detail seen on baby’s face during a 4D scan?

We can always ensure we calculate an estimation of baby’s weight, check presentation, check amniotic fluid levels and check the blood flow across the umbilical artery using Doppler, during every Gold 4D Reassurance scan, but there are lots of factors that can affect the level of detail seen on baby’s face when looking in 4D. Some variables that can affect the level detail seen, include: Baby’s position (e.g. low in pelvis or baby being on its front), baby’s arms/legs being near its face only giving a small window for visualisation, the umbilical cord near baby’s face, unfavourable placental position, later pregnancy gestation (further on in the pregnancy when baby is bigger, the face may be fuller, which could allow more detail to be seen on the scan, however, baby could have less room, which could make the scan more difficult), earlier pregnancy gestation (it may be easier to get a picture of baby as there is more room, but the face may be less full, meaning less detail may be seen on ultrasound), maternal BMI and habitus, lower range of normal amniotic fluid levels, increased distance of ultrasound probe from baby’s face due to baby’s position.

More questions?

Look at the “Frequently Asked Questions” tab at the top of the page, email us, or give us a call on: 01443 224397.