Adam McMeeking Adam McMeeking

What are gallstones?

What are gallstones? Gallstones are small stones, usually made of cholesterol - if trapped in the common bile duct, they can cause intense upper abdominal pain for up to 5 hours. An ultrasound scan can usually detect gallstones.

  • The gallbladder is a pouch-like organ, found under the liver. It stores and concentrates bile, to help with digestion of fats.

  • Gallstones, also called cholelithiasis, are small stones, usually containing cholesterol, that can occur anywhere within the biliary system; they most commonly found within the gallbladder.

  • In the majority of cases, gallstones do not cause any pain/symptoms.

  • If a gallstone gets trapped in the common bile duct it can cause intense upper abdominal pain, which radiates to the right shoulder blade, for up to 5 hours. Gallstones can cause the gallbladder to become inflamed (cholecystitis).

  • Gallstones can usually be identified on an ultrasound scan.

  • Treatment depends on how the pain affects your daily activities, but sometimes it involves removing the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) with keyhole surgery.

  • You're more at risk of gallstones if you're overweight, over 40 and female, however, it is estimated that more than 10% of adults in the UK have gallstones.

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